Sea to Sky chba scholarship
A $1000 scholarship is awarded annually to graduating high school students located in the Sea to Sky Corridor, who will be pursuing schooling and
a career in the construction industry.

Who is eligible?
Graduating high school students who will be pursuing post-secondary education in the construction industry (carpentry, electrical, trades, landscaping, interior design, architecture etc.) at an institution in British Columbia.
The programme is currently active in the following schools:
Howe Sound Secondary School
Whistler Secondary School
Pemberton Secondary School
XetÌ“ólacw Community School, Mount Currie
If you’re interested in applying for the scholarship but the school isn’t listed, please contact us.
How to Apply
Applicants must submit a letter of their experiences and/or intentions regarding the construction industry, along with references from teachers and/or persons involved in the industry.
Make sure the letter is addressed to us. We suggest you proofread your writing at least twice prior to submitting.
The letter will be submitted to the scholarship representative at your school. If you are not sure who that is, please reach out to us.

When is the submission deadline?
Deadlines for submission will vary depending on your school, but tend to be between March and April every year.
Please check with your local high school for their application submission deadline. Your application will be forwarded to us via our representative at your high school.
Michelle Watson, mawatson@sd48.bc.ca
Michelle Hunt, mhunt@sd48.bc.ca
Micaela Guiffre, mgiuffre@sd48.bc.ca
XetÌ“ólacw Community School, Mount Currie
Rosa Andrew, rosa.andrew@lilwat.ca

Frequently asked questions
Q: How many scholarships are available to Sea to Sky graduates?
A: The answer to this varies year to year.
Q: Is the scholarship restricted to Canadian citizens and landed immigrants?
A: Yes.
Q: Can the scholarship funds be used to study at a post-secondary institution outside of Canada?
A: No.
Q: May your scholarship be deferred?
A: Yes, depending on the circumstances.
Q: I am an adult who graduated from high school more than a year ago. Am I still eligible to apply for this scholarship?
A: Yes! The scholarship is open to prospective students of all ages who can prove that they are based in the Sea to Sky Corridor. For more information, please contact Kristina at membership@seatoskychba.com
Please don't hesitate to reach out to us with any questions you might have.
We look forward to supporting you on your journey!