Frequently asked questions
What are the advantages of becoming a Sea to Sky CHBA member?
Being a part of Sea to Sky CHBA enhances consumer trust and establishes professional credibility in your field. It offers resources to boost the success of your business and significant marketing and networking opportunities to connect with industry experts and expand your business.
Who are Sea to Sky CHBA members?
Who comprises CHBA members? CHBA members include licensed builders, renovators, developers, various trade contractors such as plumbers, electricians, carpenters, suppliers from building chains, financial institutions, governments, associations, service and professional groups like designers, lawyers, accountants, realtors, and any company interested in engaging with or promoting the residential construction sector in the Sea to Sky corridor.
How can I become a member of Sea to Sky CHBA?
How can I become a member of Sea to Sky CHBA? To join Sea to Sky CHBA,
contact us at 604-902-0300 and request a membership information package, then follow the steps outlined within.
How are membership applications reviewed and approved?
Applications are reviewed and approved before the monthly Board of Directors meeting. The general membership first evaluates the applications, followed by a vote during the Sea to Sky CHBA Board of Directors meeting, with new members being formally ratified at the subsequent dinner meeting.
What are the membership requirements for Sea to Sky CHBA?
All applicants must complete an application form and agree to adhere to Sea to Sky CHBA's Code of Ethics. Builders and renovators need three CHBA member references, along with applicable BC Housing and third-party warranty information. Other membership categories also require three CHBA member references.
What is the role of Sea to Sky CHBA?
Sea to Sky CHBA serves as the advocate for the residential construction industry in Sea to Sky corridor and Sunshine Coast of B.C. It provides members with representation in government and media, along with educational and promotional opportunities.
Can I use the Sea to Sky CHBA Member logo for my business?
Members in good standing can utilize the Sea to Sky CHBA member logo.
Digital versions can be obtained by contacting us at info@seatoskychba.com
or calling 604-902-0300